Our Work

We focus on high-impact initiatives to keep fossil fuels in the ground and speed up the transition to a fully renewable energy system.

Game Changers

Shutting down fossil fuels in years, not decades is a tall order, after we have been addicted for so long. But it is the way things will flow naturally. We have identified a number of game changers that can help the energy transition pick up speed – and maintain a reasonably stable climate on our home planet.

Fossil Endgame

The fossil fuel age is coming to an end on planet Earth. Most people cannot imagine it at the moment, but it is inevitable. Our blog series aims to spread this idea and turn it into a – quickly – self-fulfilling prophecy. By sharing new ideas and allowing people to look over the fossil age horizon, we generate excitement and appetite for what lies beyond, as well as a better understanding of the strategic questions on the way there.