Where is the Environmental Impact Assessment?

SPECIAL ENVOY: “Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen. 

“I live in the Marwah Protected Area, just off the coast of Abu Dhabi. As you know, this beautiful area of the sea, home to us Dugongs and to many other precious animals and plants, is under massive threat by the oil and gas industry. 

“A new fossil gas mega project is being developed here, which encroaches on our home and threatens to destroy it. And Abu Dhabi has given the green light for this project – based on the country’s largest Environmental Impact Assessment. 

“And this despite the World Conservation Union being very clear: no drilling is permitted inside protected areas. It is easy to understand why: They are protected! 

“So today, I want to find this Impact Assessment – also EIA. Has it gone missing? Or is it hidden? Or is it just pretence and fake news? 

I mean, it’s public, right? (HELPER SHAKES HEAD AND LOUDLY WHISPERS “No”)

What? They never released it? But public EIAs are standard!

“No. No. No. It must be here somewhere! (LOOKS FOR EIA)

“Since I can’t seem to find it here, as Special Envoy of the Dugongs, I am asking the pleader of the national oil company, and our COP president, to make this Assessment publicly available. 

Thank you. And as always, I ask you to sign up and become a FRIEND OF THE DUGONGS. Access the website through this QR code. Or through the LEAVE IT IN THE GROUND website. 

The Special Envoy of the Dugongs held a press conference about the Conflict of Interest surrounding the Marwah Protected Area and the Ghasha-Hail oil and gas extraction plans later today: 

DUGONGS AGAINST FOSSIL FUELS – a conflict of interests. Press release here. 

Recoding of the press conference HERE